Why Are Roof Inspections So Important?

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The roof plays a key role in protecting your house from the elements. It can fend off powerful blows inflicted by hail storms and high winds to prevent moisture from seeping in. However, many homeowners neglect their roofs and perform no inspections or maintenance. This lack of attention leaves the door open for numerous problems that can severely compromise the entire structure.  Let’s discuss the importance of scheduling regular roof inspections.

What are the benefits of having the roof inspected?

Identifying water damage

Roof examination is essential because it allows professionals to detect any water damage. They can check various places for water seepage and address the condition of shingles, flashing installation, and soft spots.

The interior should be inspected, too, since the attic is especially prone to moisture issues. The area may be improperly insulated or ventilated, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. Fortunately, experienced contractors can pinpoint any problems long before they cause significant damage to the house.

Saving money

Without regular inspection of the roof or attic, there’s no way to know if something’s wrong. By contrast, trained roofers can inspect both areas and recommend minor repairs to help you save money. As a result, they help prevent any damage from spreading and save the expense of a costly roof replacement.

Facilitating insurance claims

Reliable roofing companies offer comprehensive reports with recommendations and findings from the examinations. These reports help homeowners file insurance claims much easier. They also increase the chances of receiving approval since they explain the cause of the damage, recommended repairs, and estimated costs.

Increased lifespan

Postponing roofing inspection can bring about a premature replacement. However, having the roof inspected regularly can help prolong its lifespan and reach its average age of 30 years.

When should roofs be inspected?

Most people have their roofs checked after significant weather events such as hail storms and hurricanes. While this is highly recommended, it’s not the only time when you should schedule an inspection.

The most important time for an examination may be in fall, before the winter takes hold. Freezing weather can hinder the quality of installation and repairs since new shingles can’t form a tight seal when it’s too cold. In addition, attempting to fix an icy roof can be extremely risky, postponing crucial repairs and allowing potential problems to spread.

The fall is also the perfect time for addressing moss and lichen. Tackling these invaders can sometimes take well over 100 days, but there’s a chance to resolve them before the cold sets in.

All in all, roof inspections are vital to keeping the structure in great shape. But since the job can be quite perilous, it’s best left to dependable roofing specialists. Contact them regularly, and you’ll be able to hold onto your roof for much longer.


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